i can’t create an account for EEVON:
1. the username that you are trying to sign up with may already be taken
a. to solve this, you could change the username that they would like to sign up with to something that nobody else will be using
2. the email that you are trying to sign up with may already be in use for another account
a. you could change the email that you would like to sign up with
b. alternatively you may be prompted to sign in to the account with the email that you are trying to register with
3. the password that you would like to use may not be strong enough to be used
a. you would need to meet the requirements of our password prompt (requirements are 11 characters, upper case and lower case letter)
4. you may not have filled out all of the required fields for the registration page
a. this can be solved by filling in the fields that are labelled with a red asterisk